Registration Fall Lit Fest 2024
Thank you for registering for Lit Youngstown's 8th Fall Literary Festival in Youngstown, Oh! October 17-19. We are thrilled you'll be joining us.

New this year: one form for all registrations. Registration is open until September 15 or all seats are filled (no walk-ins, please).

We hope you find our high quality conference affordable. If you are experiencing economic hardship, we invite you to click "Request a sponsorship."

If you can swing it, please consider clicking "Sponsor a struggling writer." Here in Youngstown, we understand the importance of lowering barriers.

General admission is $65 for the whole conference, shore-to-shore. Dinners are a $15 add-on.

Presenters and book fair reps are asked to register at the reduced rate of $45. Why do we ask presenters to pay a registration fee? Our conference may be unusual in that the majority of our attendees are presenters, and as a small organization, we are simply unable to host the festival (our heaviest lift of the year) without that support. We hope presenters will find value in attending, beyond presenting. Registration is open for bookfair tables until August 1 or all seats are filled.

Registration fees:
Free: undergraduate and high school students; those requesting a hardship sponsorship; this year's planning committee members
$20: part-time faculty, graduate students
$45: presenters, bookfair table representatives (presses, journals, literary businesses, nonprofits or programs, not individual authors) 
$65: general admission
อีเมล *
First name as you would like it to appear on your nametag
Last name as you would like it to appear on your nametag *
Check all you plan to attend (if you're not sure, make your best guess)
Please list food restrictions here
Do you have a disability?
If you said yes to the last question, what accommodations would be most useful to you?
Would you like to volunteer for an hour to help with registration, lunch, etc.?
Would you like to facilitate a session, introducing panelists and helping to keep track of time?
Would you like to be a new subscriber to our newsletter?
To help us measure the diversity of the Fall Lit Fest community, please tell us a bit more about yourself.
How did you learn about the Fall Lit Fest? Please check all that apply.
Is this your first Lit Youngstown event?
Are you are a session presenter with books to sell? 
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