Ventures Placement Test
Placement test for Literacy Volunteers Classes
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What's the mother's name?
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There are three ________ on the table.
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Is Ramona happy?
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Carmina's Restaurant is open _________.
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How many people work at the day-care center?
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Who works until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday?
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The Post office is __________ the parking lot.
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Q: What are Katia and Sara doing?
A: They ________.
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Does Lee ______ a fever?
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Q: When do you eat lunch?
A: ________ 12:30.
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How many ______ do we have?
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Yolanda is a teacher now. She ______ a teacher's assistant before.
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Yesterday, Dan _______ groceries after work.
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What will you learn in Ms. Cuevas' Class?
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Which course meets on Mondays and Tuesdays? 
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Q: What did Joe buy Sylvia?
A: He bought _______ a cake.
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Leon has a test tomorrow. He _______ study tonight.
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Q: When do Mr. and Mrs. Yamada usually eat dinner?
A: They usually _______ at 7 p.m.
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Marcia's back is hurting. She _________ to see a doctor.
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Q: How long does it take to drive to Philadelphia?
A: It takes _________. 
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The White refrigerator is large, but the gray refrigerator is ____________.

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Ravi cleaned his room, _______ he didn't make his bed.
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Keiko's father used to __________.
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Recently, Keiko's father has __________.
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Connie likes going out as __________ staying at home.
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David _________ well lately.
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Arturo intends _______ history in college.
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Michael always turns off his computer _________ the office.
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I'm tired of _______ TV. Let's go out.
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Walter is practicing the piano. He ______ since 9:00.
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While we were driving to school, __________.
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The Pinheiros __________.
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The Pinheiros feel __________.
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Do you believe _________?
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She used to be a fast driver. Since her accident, she drives __________.
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____________ at your school?
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Sonia: My boyfriend took me out for dinner last night. 
Pete: Really? Tell me where ____________.
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Mary drives her daughter to school _________.
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Sona doesn't use her air conditioning often _______ it's too expensive.
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These days, nobody wants to buy a car ______ a lot of gas.
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