Personal Branding Questionnaire
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Why did you decide to do a personal brand photography shoot? What are your goals for this session?
2. Where exactly will you be using the images we take from this session? List them below. *
What specific stories, events, routines, or rituals do you want to share with these images? (We will use this question to help plan out the stories that we’ll be doing for this specificshoot.) *
What colors, items, locations, style, etc do people connect with and associate with your brand that you’d like included in these images?
What moods, emotions, and adjectives do you want to show in these images?
Are there any other people or pets that you’d like to show in your images as part of your brand? Please list them below by name + a brief description of who they are. *
I’ve got tons of great ideas and understanding as to what kinds of images will help you grow your brand, but if there are any very specific images that you definitely want me to take, please list them below or link to any online examples you may have (optional
What do I need to know to understand your audience and who they are?
What things do you have in common with your audience or does your audience have incommon with each other that we can show in your images? These may be defining traits(for example, if they all start their day with lemon water or do some sort of shared ritual.)
Tell me a bit about your business/cause and what kind of impact you’re trying to make with it. Please include links to your website & social media accounts.
Tell me about the photos you love most of yourself. What are they like? Why do you love them? *
What photos do you hate most of yourself? Why do they bother you?
Do you have any sample images/websites/inspiration boards, etc that you would like to share of what you would love your photos to look like you want to share? Please post links below!
Is there anything I should know about you or your body to help you feel most confidentduring the session? Areas you want to highlight or hide?
Anything else you’d like to say, ask, or that you want me to know?
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