16 May 2023 - The Crystal Ship
This is a registration form for the film screening "The Crystal Ship: First ascent of Pumari Chhish East". The event will take place at ETH Zurich's Audi Max, HG F 30, on 16 May 2023, 6:30 pm.

The event is free of charge and an àpero will follow. To facilitate planning, please sign up by 15 May.
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I will stay for the Apéro after the screening *
About the event

In June 2022, doctoral student Christophe Ogier along with two friends travelled to the remote Hispar glacier in Pakistan to attempt the first ascent of the Pumari Chhish East (6850m). After a long wait due to bad weather, they finally found a good weather window which allowed them to fulfill their dream. They succeeded through a new route they called The Crystal Ship (M7, 6b, A2, 1600m), after five days on the wall. This accomplishment has already been recognized worldwide by the climbing community as one of the best ascents of the year.

The event will include talk by Christophe Ogier in English, as well as the original film made during the expedition (in French with English subtitles).

In case you need to cancel your registration or have any questions, please contact: imickein@ethz.ch

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