Volunteering Survey
CAVA would like your feedback to help us improve the support services we provide for volunteer involving organisations. The support services are: an online service which matches volunteers to organisations called Simply Connect; promotion of volunteering opportunities; matching businesses with volunteer involving organisations; volunteering management resources on our website; volunteering events and forums; training on volunteering issues, volunteer celebration events and one to one support for organisations that involve volunteers. Please see our website https://www.wcava.org.uk/volunteering for more details.

Please complete the following 6 questions, whether you have used our services or not. Your time is much appreciated.

  The closing date for responses is Monday 19th February 2024.  
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1. Which of our support services do you value the most? (rank the top 3)
Help with volunteer recruitment
Promotion of your volunteer opportunities
Help with connecting to businesses for volunteer support
Volunteer resources on our website such as a sample Volunteering Policy
Volunteering events and forums
Training on volunteer management
Advice for your organisation on volunteer management
Newsletters on the theme of volunteering
Celebration of volunteering through Volunteer Awards
Facilitation of peer support
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2. If you have used our volunteering matching service, Simply Connect, to promote your volunteering opportunities, please rate its effectiveness in helping your organisation recruit volunteers:
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3. If you have given our volunteering matching service, Simply Connect, a low score, please say how it could be improved?
4. Choose 3 topics/ themes which you would find most useful for us to include in training or forums?
5. How would you most like us to celebrate volunteering?
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6. What type of support would you most appreciate from CAVA on involving volunteers?
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