541 Guest Accessibility Survey

At 541 Eatery & Exchange, we believe in accommodating all of our guests by providing a space that upholds the accessibility standards of Ontario. This survey is to evaluate how well we are currently supporting our community. 

This is an anonymous survey. Your responses will be kept confidential.

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When entering the cafe, did you feel welcome? *

What was the best part of your visit? What was the worst part of your visit?

If you use a mobility aid, did you find the staff and facilities accommodating? Please explain.
Was the seating comfortable? Were you able to navigate the space? Please explain.
Were the bathrooms and other facilities clean? Add detail if you can.
Was the music volume to your liking? Add detail if you can.
Do you find our menu has something for everyone? If not, what are we missing?
If you faced any challenges while at 541, did our staff handle them well?  Please describe.
Would you recommend 541 to your family & friends? Why or why not?
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