We Love MCR Sponsored Firewalk 2025: Registration Form
In February 2025, the ONLY firewalk to ever take place in Manchester city centre returns to St. Ann's Square!

We Love MCR Charity and dozens of brave Firewalkers made history in January 2024, with St. Ann's Square seeing its first firewalk in its 300+ year existence, raising a scorching £26,000+ for our work with Manchester's unbeatable communities and young people.

We're yet again giving fearless fundraisers the chance to test their resolve and brave the coals in this ultimate mind-over-matter challenge...​ Our Firewalkers will be briefed by our expert operators in the Grade I listed St. Ann's Church, and we're joined by award-winning samba drummers Batala to add to the atmosphere just like they did last year!

Dare you join us?

- Please make sure you answer all questions correctly, especially your email, otherwise we will not be able to contact you and your registration will not be valid. If you have any questions, or have not received your welcome email within 72hrs, please email direct to nicholas.clarke@manchester.gov.uk and we will get back to you ASAP.

Event Timings
Participants are asked to begin registration in St. Ann's Church between 17:15 - 17:45 on Thursday 27th February, with the event expected to finish around 19:15. Full details will be provided to entrants over email.

Access requirements
We are acting on guidance provided by our expert operators Time4Change, who have been delivering successful firewalk events for 25 years, to make this as inclusive as possible. They advise us the risks are too high for people with limited mobility due to the speed needed to traverse the coals. Visual impairments and other conditions/disabilities can be looked at on a case-by-case basis by the operator, so please describe this accurately in the form, so we can consider your situation.

Event Fee + Fundraising Target
At last year's event we had an event fee of £20 to cover operator costs, and a minimum fundraising target of £200 - we are keeping these the exact same for participants this year.

Risk assessments and further safety information will be provided ahead of the event by the operators. Photographs will be taken on the night and used by We Love MCR Charity to promote our fundraising.

Check out our socials + website here: https://lnk.bio/WeLoveMCR
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address
(please double-check, if incorrect we can't contact you with event details)
Organisation name?
(if you're participating while representing a business/Charity Partner)
Mobile phone number
(for emergency use, we will delete this from our files immediately after the event)
Next of kin phone contact
(for emergency use, we will delete this from our files immediately after the event)
Medical conditions that we should be aware of, particularly mobility or eyesight issues?
(If yes, please detail below and we will get back on our ability to accommodate you)
I give consent for We Love MCR Charity to store my email address before, during & after the event to inform me of details relating to the event and to the work of the charity. (We need this consent to follow up with you about the event.)
How did you hear about this event?
(Please be as specific as possible)
Why do you want to take part in this fundraising event for We Love MCR Charity?
Our event providers have set a minimum age of 16 for the event. Can you confirm that you are aged 16+?
Do you understand that this is a fundraising event solely for We Love MCR Charity and do you commit to actively fundraising a minimum of £200 for the Charity?
Do you understand that there is a £20 event fee which helps to cover costs for our expert event operators, and do you commit to paying it via the instructions provided?
This event is being run by expert providers with decades of training and experience in firewalk events. However, do you acknowledge that you are engaging in this challenge at your own risk, and do you confirm you will follow all instructions given to you at the event by the organisers? (Further safety briefings and forms will be completed on the day of the event)
In 2021 and 2024, We Love MCR Charity secured space in a city-centre venue for a post-firewalk celebration. Would you be interested in attending one this time round? *
To finish your registration, press the submit button below. A member of our team will be in touch over email to help you make the £20 event fee and give instructions on setting up your fundraising page.

We'll see you on February 27th for a night to remember!
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