Wirral MNVP - Young Parents Survey
This survey is designed to find out the maternity experiences of Young Mums (Under 25) at Wirral University Teaching Hospital (Arrowe Park). Please only complete this survey if you are pregnant/have recently had a baby and are under 25 years old.

A Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP) is an NHS working group: a team of women and their families, commissioners and providers (midwives and doctors) working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care.  

Participation is completely voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time upon request. Questions may be skipped, the survey maybe exited at any time and may be completed as many times as you wish. Your feedback is very important to us.

Feedback will be shared with relevant partners including maternity service providers, commissioners, and partner organisations to help develop and improve maternity care. Please be aware that this is not part of the complaints procedure. Please raise any complaints about your care via the appropriate channel (wuth.patientexperience@nhs.net or telephone 0800 432 0251 (Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 16:00 hours)). We also welcome feedback on this service.

Personal information is protected under GDPR regulations and anonymised for use. Please also see our privacy policy for full details (www.nationalmaternityvoices.org.uk/privacy)

Should sharing your experience cause you distress in anyway, the following links can provide you with information and support should you feel you need it. We advise you speak to your GP, midwife, health visitor or other healthcare provider should this stress be significant.


NHS Postnatal Mental Health: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/support-and-services/feeling-depressed-after-childbirth 

Mind Postnatal Depression and Perinatal Mental Health: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/postnatal-depression-and-perinatal-mental-health/about-maternal-mental-health-problems 

Perinatal Anxiety and Worry Support: www.OpenPAWS.co.uk

Thank you for your contribution to improving local maternity services.

Wirral MNVP Team
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We welcome feedback from all people using maternity services in Wirral, and from their support network. Please let us know which best describes your part in the feedback you are giving from the options below.
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Which of the following options best describes your ethnicity? We are committed to making sure that we are hearing from all communities and this information helps us to check that we are doing this.
Do you consider yourself to have any form of disability?
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What is your sexual orientation?
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What best describes your gender?
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Is your gender identify the same as the sex you were assigned at birth?
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During your antenatal check-ups (i.e. care received before you had baby), did you feel listened to by your midwives? 
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Did you feel that you had enough support from your midwives or other health care professionals?
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Do you feel that you were spoken to in a way that you could understand?
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Do you feel you were given enough information by the maternity team (midwives/health care professionals) about what to expect during labour/birth?
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Do you feel you were given enough information about what to expect after giving birth and looking after your baby?
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If no, what information would have been helpful:

Where did you get most of your antenatal knowledge/support from? Midwife; Other health care professionals; family; friends; online resources (please specify); classes (please specify); other (please specify)
Please add any other comments, thoughts or experiences of antenatal care/education.
If you raised a concern during your labour/birth, did you feel that it was taken seriously?
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Did you feel involved in decisions about your care?
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Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you able to ask a member of staff for help when you needed it?
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Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, where you treated with kindness and understanding?
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Please add any other comments, thoughts or experiences of your labour/birth experience.
Did a midwife or health visitor ask you about your mental health?
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Did you feel confident/comfortable enough to be able to speak honestly and openly about your mental health to a health visitor or midwife?
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Please tell us why?
Do you feel you would have benefitted from more mental health support following the birth of your baby?
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Please add any other comments, thoughts or experiences of your mental health support following your birth.
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