Information on computers received/status during 2010-2014 and 2015 to till date  
(email ids of Institute/Principal  only)
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Adreça electrònica *
Institute Name *
Number of computers received  at Institute from 2010-2014 *
Number of computers received  at Institute from 2015 to till date *
Number of  computers in working condition (received  at Institute from 2010-2014)
Number of computers that can be servisable (received  at Institute from 2010-2014)
Number of unservisable  computers (received during  2010-2014 at Institute  )
Number of computers in  working condition received  at Institute from 2015 to till date
Number of computers that can be servisable (received  at Institute from 2015 to till date)
Number of computers that are unservisable (received  at Institute from 2015 to till date)
Mobile number of Principal *
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