2025 KSUMB Golf Tournament Registration
June 28, 2025 9:00 am - Colbert Hills Golf Course - includes cart, polo, player gift bag and lunch. All proceeds are used for scholarship assistance for K-State Marching Band students.
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Golfer Information
Please enter the name(s) of golfer(s) you are registering today.
Golfer 1: First Name *
Golfer 1: Last Name *
Golfer 1: Polo Size Unisex *
Golfer 1: Phone Number *
Golfer 1: Email Address *
Golfer 2: First Name
Golfer 2: Last Name
Golfer 2: Polo Size Unisex
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Golfer 2: Phone Number
Golfer 2: Email Address
Golfer 3: First Name
Golfer 3: Last Name
Golfer 3: Polo Size Unisex
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Golfer 3: Phone Number
Golfer 3: Email Address
Golfer 4: First Name
Golfer 4: Last Name
Golfer 4: Polo Size Unisex
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Golfer 4: Phone Number
Golfer 4: Email Address
Cost *
Band Member Sponsorship - OPTIONAL
If you would like to sponsor a band member as a golfer, please indicate the amount below. For additional sponsorship opportunities, go to the website at "" to look at the sponsor registration form. Thank you for your support!
Band Member Sponsorship
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