CCA Interest Form - 2023
Hello! I'm still figuring out the format and structure of the Content Career Accelerator for 2023. Completing this form will help me finish that work, and also put you on the super-advanced notification list for when registration opens. Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Email *
Full Name *
Timezone Region *
Where are you in the world, most of the time? (Choose the closest fit.)
Which time windows tend to work best for you for online events like workshops, office hours, and group discussions? *
Assume they're 30 to 90 minutes in length. Use your local time; I'll correlate with your previous answer.
Career Trajectory *
Choose the description that best fits where you are / expect to be in early 2023. (You can elaborate or add clarifications in the next question.) 

We're using "UX content" as a catch-all for content design, content strategy, product marketing, information architecture, etc.
Tell us a bit more about your career goals. What kind of help and support do you need right now? *
Share as much or as little as you'd like. Some examples might include "connect with people I can trust to ask for feedback on my job search strategy" or "get a plan together to apply for the roles I really want"
What's been the hardest thing to navigate in your career so far? Where are you struggling, or feeling stuck?
(A few sentences is fine.)
What are some of the job titles you've been applying for recently, or thinking about applying for?
e.g. senior content designer, staff content strategist, information architect, junior UX writer, content design manager, director of content strategy, product marketing specialist
Learning and Engagement Style
How interested are you in the following formats for UX careers content? (Online for all of them, of course.)
1 - Not that interested.
2 - Somewhat interested.
3 - Very interested, yes please!
1-on-1 coaching / feedback sessions
Videos + supporting materials
Interactive Workshops (explore idea through workshop activities)
Challenges / Event Deadlines (e.g. NanoWriMo)
Small group topical discussions
Online discussion boards & chat rooms
Group accountability sessions (e.g. meet to work on resumes together)
Self-paced worksheets / templates / course-like material
Expert lectures + live Q&A
Clear selection
Okay, now pick your favorite out of all of those.
Clear selection
What other programs, trainings, courses, etc are you considering for 2023?
Anything else you'd like me to know about you or your goals with this program?
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