Performers: Guilford Porchfest 2024
Solo, duo, or ensemble. Folk, rock, jazz, classical. If you can perform acoustically or at a volume suited to your host's location and wishes, the Guilford Porchfest stage could be yours! All solo performers, and at least one member of any duo or group, must live or work in Guilford, CT! Application closes July 31!

All the latest details about Guilford Porchfest can be found on our website. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @guilfordporchfest!
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Email *
Name of Artist/Band *
Do you, or at least one member of your duo or group, live in Guilford, Connecticut? *
If you answered no to question above, do you or does at least one member of your duo or group, work in Guilford, Connecticut?
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If yes to question above: Where do you work?
Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Contact Home Address *
Contact Cell Phone *
Artist/Performer Type *
How many members are in your act *
What style or styles of music do you play (i.e., folk, rock, jazz, classical)? *

Guilford Porchfest 2024 is a family-friendly event. Please rate the content of your performance.

Is your act acoustic, electric or acoustic/electric? *
If your act is electric or acoustic/electric, are you also able to play an acoustic-only set? Please note: Even if acoustic, we will allow vocalists and keyboardists to plug in. *
Do you have a drummer *
If you have a drummer, would you be willing to share your drum kit with other acts playing on the same porch?

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Will you need access to electricity?

Are you a member of any other duo or group that will be performing at Guilford Porchfest 2024?  *
If YES to question above, please provide the names of all other acts in which you are a member that will be performing at Guilford Porchfest 2024, so that we can schedule appropriately! Please fill out a separate application for each act.

Are you available on Saturday, September 7, 2024?


Are you available on the rain date of Sunday, September 8,  2024?


Performance availability. Please check ALL that apply. 


Would you be interested in playing at two different host venues if there is enough time provided in between for travel and breakdown/setup?


Most Guilford Porchfest 2024 sets will last 60 minutes, INCLUDING time needed for setup and breakdown. That means max 45 minutes of music per set! Can you set up, play, and break down within an hour, so that we can start and end all sets on time, to accommodate both other performers and our audience, who will be moving from porch to porch?

It is absolutely a-ok to answer "no" to the question above! If you answered "no," please let us know how much time you need, i.e., if you need more time, how much will you need total (including set up and breakdown) OR if you would rather play just two or three songs, and can set up, play, and breakdown in 30 minutes, let us know!
Anything else you'd like us to know or any other questions? 
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