RRM Holiday Market - Application
Ross R Mackay Public School Parent Council is hosting our first ever Holiday Market Fundraiser! All fees collected will go directly towards school fundraising efforts. 

We will have entertainment for all ages and Santa will be making an appearance from 12 - 2! 


Event Timing: Saturday, December 2, 10am - 3pm
Event Address: Ross R Mackay Public School, 35 Trafalgar Road, Hillsburgh
Contact us at TheSharpeShoppe@gmail.com
(Vendor Fee is not due until September to account for the new school year)


-Vendor set up begins at 8:30am
-As this is an indoor event, you will be required to supply your own table, chairs, displays, decor, etc.
-Each vendor will have a 6' section. If you require more space please message me directly. we should be able to accommodate but cannot guarantee unless arranged prior. This would be if you require an extra table, clothing rack, etc. An additional fee may apply depending on your needs. 

-Each vendor is asked to donate 1 item to our grand gift basket which shoppers will be entered into by submitting ballots (see “Shoppers” section for details how to enter) 
-This can be a physical item or gift certificate
-You can add business cards or flyers/pamphlets if you wish for extra advertising

-Shoppers will receive a ticket from each vendor they purchase from - the more they shop, the more chances to win!
-Vendors can also receive ballots for purchasing from other vendors. In this instance, the ballot MUST be signed by the seller. 

-Vendors are responsible for their own money/cash box, as well as any theft or broken products which may happen during the event. 
-We are currently not under any restrictions relating to Covid-19 but we will continue to monitor if any changes arise. 

-We will announce vendors on our social media pages once registration is complete.
-We will also showcase each vendor in the weeks leading up to the event.
-We will be advertising within the school as well as the community. 

***Mandi Sharpe, The Sharpe Shoppe Co. and Ross R Mackay Public School will not be held responsible for any theft or loss of items, or broken items that may occur before or during the RRM Holiday Market***
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Name *
Business Name (if you have one)
Email Address *
Social Media Handle (if you have one)
What type of products do you sell? *
Please tell us about yourself or your business. This will be included to promote your business with the vendor spotlight. (ei. The Sharpe Shoppe Co. is a mama-run business specializing in home decor and handmade wooden signs. Bringing personality to your home at an affordable price!) **THIS WILL BE COPIED DIRECTLY AND POSTED WHEN I ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS AS A VENDOR. PLEASE WORD THIS EXACTLY AS YOU'D LIKE IT TO REPRESENT YOU** *
You acknowledge that you will bring your own table, chairs, etc. *
I understand there is a $50 vendor fee which will cover paid promotions and advertising, and entertainment during the market. The remainder of the fee will go to Ross R Mackay fundraising. 
This is a non-refundable fee. In the event of a lockdown, we will reassess.
As a vendor of the Holiday Market, you are representing the school & parent council. Please be respectful in our environment and refrain from foul language. You are required to remain at the market for the entirety of the event unless previous arrangements have been made, or in the case of an emergency. You are also required to clean up your area after taking down your booth. *
We are seeking sponsors for this event. If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor please indicate below. 
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This is a juried event. You will receive an email for approval or rejection once the jury has decided. 

The vendor fee will be due in September to correspond with the school year. 
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Will you be donating an item to the gift basket? *
I understand that Mandi Sharpe, The Handmade Markets & Events, and Ross R Mackay Public School will not be held liable for any theft, loss, or broken items. *
Please type your name to acknowledge that you've read and agreed to all parts of this document. *
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