RSVP Reproductive Healthcare for Women with Disabilities Friday 10/15 12-1pm
Please join Dr. Susan Ernst for a discussion on reproductive healthcare for women with disabilities on Friday, October 15th from 12-1 pm on Zoom.

Bio: Dr. Susan Ernst is the director of a reproductive health clinic for adolescents and women with disabilities at Michigan Medicine. She is a faculty member at the Center for Disability Health and Wellness. Her research interests include improving care for women with disabilities, development of a pregnancy decision making tool for women with disabilities, and improving cervical cancer screening with self-collection of HPV in women with disabilities.

Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 920 9712 9790 Passcode: 295168

This talk is hosted by Disability Advocacy Coalition for Health Profession's (DAC HP). DAC HP is an interprofessional organization whose mission is to create a culture in medicine that is inclusive, to combat  ableism, and to support providers and trainees in medicine with disabilities.

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