Cortland ReUse Community Survey
Cortland ReUse is a community nonprofit with the mission to strengthen the economy, community, and environment through reuse and sustainable materials management.
This survey will help us figure out how to be most useful to our community. Please be direct and honest. Comments will be read and appreciated.

Thank you!

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About You
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Housing Type
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Which kinds of communication tools do you regularly use?
About Your Experience at Cortland ReUse
How often do you visit Cortland ReUse?
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What kinds of items have you bought from Cortland ReUse?
If you have donated, did you feel your donation was appreciated?
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Do you think ReUse's prices are reasonable?
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Are you always treated with courtesy and respect?
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Have you ever had to wait more than a couple of minutes to pay?
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Your Ideas for Improvement and Involvement
What do you like most about the ReUse Center ?
What would you change about the ReUse Center?
Did you know Cortland ReUse is a nonprofit organization before reading it above?
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Have you considered volunteering to help?
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Did you know we offer "Pay What You Can" classes about upcycling, environment, recycling, and related topics?
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What kind of classes might you attend?
Do you have ideas on how Cortland ReUse can better serve the community?
What words come to mind when you think of Cortland ReUse (e.g., "good deals" or "lots of stuff" or "too cluttered")?
Do you recommend Cortland ReUse to your friends and family?
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