Jango Mailing List!
This is so I can update you about stand-up comedy shows directly since social media platforms are decreasing engagement by the day and there is no certainty about the internet in Pakistan. 

Also, I swear on my love for Hot'N Spicy that your information will be for my eyes only. I will not share it with anyone except Sydney Sweeney ๐Ÿ˜

Thanks! Hope to see you at the next show!
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To simplify sorting, please write in full i.e. Pakistan, Germany, Australia etc. For longer names, use the most common acronyms e.g. USA, UAE, UK, KSA etc.
City *
e.g. Karachi, Houston, Dubai etc. 
Phone Number
I'll almost always update you by email so this is not required so only share if you're comfortable. Promise won't send you 'U up?' texts late at night (unless you're Sydney Sweeney  ๐Ÿ˜)
Meiney bohat bol lia. Agar ap ka kuch mood hai bolne ka tou likh dein. Bohat shukria. 
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