Emory Diverge Submissions Form
Welcome content creators! Diverge appreciates your participation in the process of expanding international/multilingual voices, and we can't wait to see your pieces published!
A quick overview of our sections and contents to get an idea of what you want to submit:
  1. EXPEDITIONS: vlogs/scrapbooks/poetry/fiction/illustrations/photography depicting international experience 

  2. WONDERINGS: evidence-based essays exploring a specific question about culture/language

  3. VOICES: interviews about Emory community members with international experiences (specifically those from historically marginalized communities)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your name (first and last)? *
What's your emory email? *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
Which section do you want to submit to? (If you want to submit to multiple sections, please fill out a form for each submission) *
What's the tentative title of your piece? *
What's the format of your piece? *
Can you write a short, writer's profile to be published along with your piece? (your major, graduation year, interests, etc. be creative!) *
What date do you plan to have your first draft by? *
Will you be willing to work with editors on your piece (if not, we will unfortunately not be able to take your piece)? *
If your piece includes politically inflammatory and discriminative language/theme, we will not publish the piece. Do you agree to this term? *
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