2022 District 10 Constituent Survey
Dear Neighbor,

In anticipation of our annual State of the District event on January 29th, we are circulating this survey to better understand our community's current priorities and feedback. Thank you for taking the time to identify your priorities and help my office better serve you. The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Your personal information and responses will not be shared. I will, however, report aggregated data to the community during the State of the District, and my team and I will follow up on neighborhood-specific concerns and opportunities that you identify below.

Thank you for being an active member of the District 10 community and welcome to all of our new neighbors who were formerly part of District 2 and District 9!


Matt Mahan

Councilmember, San Jose District 10
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1. Please prioritize the following issues for which local government is responsible. (Rank your top three)
First Priority
Second Priority
Third Priority
Reducing crime
Reducing homelessness
Repairing roads
Supporting local businesses
Investing in parks and libraries
Keeping the city clean and beautiful
Reducing traffic congestion
Investing in public transit
Subsidizing affordable housing
Other (see next question)
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2. Is there another issue that you would like to see city government prioritize ahead of the issues listed above?
3. For your top priority, how could the City better address it?
4. How satisfied are you with the work of your city government overall? (5 = Very Satisfied, 1 = Very Dissatisfied)
5. Do you feel you are aware of what goes on at City Hall?   (5 = Very Aware, 1 = Very Unaware)
6. What could City Hall do to earn a better rating?
7. How satisfied are you with the job done by Councilmember Matt Mahan and the District 10 Council Office specifically?  (5 = Very Satisfied, 1 = Very Dissatisfied)
8. Do you feel you are aware of the work being done by Councilmember Matt Mahan and your D10 Council office? (5 = Very Aware, 1 = Very Unaware)
9. Do you feel your D10 Council office is responsive and effective at resolving your local/neighborhood issues? (5 = Very Responsive, 1 = Very Unresponsive)
10. What could Councilmember Matt Mahan and the D10 Council office do to earn a better rating?
11. Do you feel like you are connected to your neighborhood? (5 = Very Connected, 1 = Very Disconnected)
12. Do you agree with the following statement? I feel like my neighbors and I can make an impact on issues about which we care. (5 = Strongly Agree, 1 = Strongly Disagree)
13. What neighborhood do you live in? (Please refer to this map if you are unsure: https://tinyurl.com/d10neighborhoodmap)
14. I used to live in District 2 / District 9. Here is the name of my neighborhood:
15. What is the biggest challenge or "pain point" in your immediate neighborhood that City Hall could address?
16. Are you interested in getting directly involved to make District 10 an even better place to live? If so, how? (Please select all that apply.)
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address (optional; only for follow up on neighborhood-specific issues & never shared)
Phone Number (optional; only for follow up on neighborhood-specific issues & never shared)
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