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Give us some information about where and how you would like to get stuck in to church life, and we'll put you in touch with the right people!
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* Indicates required question
I could potentially serve in...
Children's ministry
Youth Ministry
Tech team (cameras, set up, AV, sound, livestreaming)
Tea & Coffee after services
Welcome team
Greatness team - setting up and clearing up!
Musical Worship
Services: Prayer ministry, bible reading, service leading and hosting
CAP team; befriending, prayer, shopping etc.
Pastoral Care team
Gardening and Cleaning (mainly Sat mornings)
Governance, PCC, Committees
Tell us a bit more about how you think you could serve and what you would like to do.
Your answer
I'm mainly available...
During the week - daytime
During the week -evenings
I mainly attend
Sunday morning service
Sunday evening service- The 6
Tuesday service
Online services
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Your Contact details so we can get in touch. Please include your name and an email address or phone number.
Your answer
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