Educational Tour Request Form
Chinatown History & Art Tour (C.H.A.T) curriculum encompasses stories from within the Chinatown community: art and architecture, Chinese Exclusion era, struggle for housing rights, and public art in response to anti-Asian racism, and more. Students will gain a deeper understanding of Bay Area history and a multifaceted perspective on Chinatown culture.

Tour dates

Tours are available Tuesday - Thursdays from 10:30am - 12:00pm.

Tour durations

Tours range anywhere from 30-120 minutes. Below are suggested times for age/groups:

  • K-2: ~30-45 minutes

  • 3-5: ~60-75 minutes

  • 6 grade and up: ~90 to 120 minutes


  • Private Schools: $25/Person 
  • Public Schools: $5/Person

  • Title 1 Schools: Free

If you have any questions or requests, please contact 
Thank you for your interest and support in our mission. We look forward to meeting you on our tour!

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Name of School *
Grade Level *
Are you a Title 1 SFUSD school?  *
Class Subject (if relevant)
Number of students *
Number of adults (Chaperones) *
1st choice date for tour *
School Tours are available: Wednesday - Friday (10:30 am - 12:30 pm)
2nd choice date for tour *
School Tours are available: Wednesday - Friday (10:30 am - 12:30 pm)
We want our docents to help bridge connections to what students are currently learning in the classroom. Are there any topics your students are currently learning that you think would be relevant for docents to know for CHAT tour? *
Name 3 tips you want our docents to know about your group of students (best teaching techniques, tips on engagement specific to your class, classroom management, etc.) *
Do any members of the group have special needs? If so, please specify *
How did you learn about the Chinese Culture Center's Chinatown History & Art Tour (C.H.A.T) program?  *
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