Employer Feedback Form (based on Curriculum)
Excellent (5)     Very Good (4)     Good (3)    Average (2) Poor (1)
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Email *
Employer Name *
Position *
Company/Organization *
Employee Name *
1. Curriculum is relevant for employability *
2. Curriculum is effective for the development of entrepreneurship *
3. Curriculum is effective for the development of entrepreneurship *
4. Helpful in solving work place problems by practical solutions *
5. Curriculum imparts working culture as a team *
6. Curriculum stimulates creativity to face the workplace challenges *
7. Curriculum develops employee’s planning and organization skills *
8. Curriculum develops self-motivation and undertaking responsibility for the given task *
9. Curriculum initiates employees to think and implement new ideas and techniques *
10. Curriculum induce employees to use technology and workplace equipment *
11. Ability to contribute to the goal of the organization *
12. Ability to develop leadership qualities *
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