Welcome to the Therapeutic Art Community! 

We Value Your Feedback! Help Us Shape the Future of Art for Wellness

Thank you for being part of our vibrant community! Your experience with art and wellness is important to us, and we’d love to hear your thoughts.

Why your feedback matters:

  • Your insights help us improve and expand our programs.
  • Your responses will guide us in securing funding for future workshops, events, and resources.
  • We aim to create even more meaningful and accessible opportunities for art and wellness.

Whether you’ve engaged with us through:

  • In-person workshops
  • Online sessions or Facebook/Instagram groups
  • Our podcast or newsletter
  • Our website or events

This quick survey will only take a few minutes and will have a big impact on our future work.

Thank you for your time, and for being part of our journey!

Email *
How did you first find out about Art for Wellness?  *
How have you been involved with the Therapeutic Art Community?
(Select all that apply)
Participated in online workshops
Attended in-person workshops or events
Engaged with the online group art themes
Visited the community website
Other (please specify)
How have we connected
Are you a registered member of the Therapeutic Art Community?
(Online website hub)
Do you currently receive our newsletter?
If you have received the newsletter 

Which sections of the newsletter did you find most relevant?
If you are not receiving our newsletter, would you like to be added to the mailing list?
Any overall feedback for the Art for Wellness CIC?
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