As players in UNP in Unnatural you have a few choices to make for your ROLEPLAY Academic career. The form below will help you set up your classes. This is a roleplay tool. As we are not a real University and are not offering real classes, players have the choice to attend or not attend classes. To be a student at any University you would have to attend classes. In Roleplay, you have the choice if you roleplay going to class or saying that you character's had finished their classes for the day. (You can skip class too). To help you out we have created the form below so you can plan your Characters Class schedule.
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Character and Legacy Name *
What Class are you?
What Type of Student are you?
Picking you College Major
By the end of you sophmore year, your character will be moving into a more specialized field of education. Your classes will be based on you Major. We have two types of majors based on roleplay avaiability.  In-person or NPC major.  Depending on which field of study you character wants to go into you will either have rp opportunities to have "in the field " training or  you will npc taking classes within the degrees. Internships will be based on the availabilty of the other players. If there is no one available to then you will be allowed to NPC student in that field.  This can be changed at anytime.
What degree are you interested in?  *
Are you an Undergraduated or going for you Masters? 
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NPC Majors/minors that are available at UNP? 
Choose 1 - if you only want one major
Choose 2 - if you are double majoring or taking a minor 
(when making your junior/senior schedule you will be taking more classes if you are a double major or have  a minor. 
NPC Agricultural Degrees 
In-Person Majors
* These  majors have potentials of having an internships if there are players in those fields willing to take an intern on. 
If you did not see the degree you are looking on the list above feel free to contact Lexie Vaher. UNP is a Liberal Arts and Agriculture school. If the degree you want falls under those categories we are happy to add it to our list.
As much as we would love to say that we have enough Professors to teach all the classes the University would have as students you would still be taken a classes. In order for players to help remember this we have come up with a way to help your character remember they are students even when we aren't in sl. 

NPC PROFESSORS - These professors teach you NPC classes. They only teach classes and they will not cause any kind of scandal or conflict outside giving someone an F (players choice on grades) For them to do anything else please contact Lexie Vaher. 

NPC CLASSES - These classes are not acutally taught but students can rp they are taking them. Often these classes would be heard to tranlate over to Sl however, if you are a proferrps and would like to cover one of these classes, see the class guideline before you do.
Full- time students  and Commuter full time  - pick up to 6 classes 
Part-time Students  and Commuter part time - pick up to 3 classes 
How to make a class schedule at UNP?

1. Pick 3 classes from your Class list (Students can take up to 5 classes a semester)

2. Pick what day and time your class is. (most classes are taught for 1.5 hours 2 days a week) 

3.We recommend that your character attend these classes when you are not online. 

4. Do not worry if another player is taking the same classes but there are different times or days. UNP has many NPC Professors.

*Classes were chosen from a list of classes we found for thedepending on a student's year. The credits are not based on a real college/University. We wanted to keep the set up very simple as you are not getting a real grade. 
First Semester schedule (Choose up to 6 npc classes based on the type of student you are) 
Junior and Senior Classes
The University of Pennsylvania is a Liberal Arts and Agricultural school.  In most Universities you would be entering classes that are specific to your Major. For example, if you major is Early Childhood Education  your classes would be focus on Education classes.  Choose you classes based on the major you chose above.
At UNP we want people to enjoy and the roleplay they are involved in. We have asked the "UNP Professors" to choose clases that can be interactive and fun in the realm of rp. However we do want to make sure, if they go to the trouble of witing up a class that they actually have students attend. Please answers the  questions below to help us assets how In-character classes should be handle.
Are you interested in attending a In-person Class led by another player in UNP? 
If you are interested in attending some IC classes.. What type of classes do you think you would prefer? 
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Players will get to decide if they want a report card or not.  Those that choose night to have one can still be kick out of In-person classes and the school. Your character will simply get a pass/fail.  

For all NPC classes you will choose the grade for your character (if you character is at keg parties every night be fair.. you know that he/she would not be passing). For in person classes- characters will be graded on attendance. If you show up once and don't show up again you will recieve an F. If you attend them all you will recieve an A.  (If Rl is what stops you from attending, just let the Professor or academic dean know ahead of time. 

To Fail a class players need to consent. The only acception if for in-person classes. Players will be asked to sign up for these classes. We don't want to waiste another players time by showing up to an empty class. If no communication is given from the IC student, the player will fail that class. 
Are Grades in Roleplay a big deal to your character or do you not want to be IC graded?
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