2023 안디옥 한국학교 가을학기 등록 Antioch Korean School Fall Semester Registration (In Person & Online)
가을 학기    대면 수업은  2023년 9월 9일~ 12월 16일 (토요일) 오전 9:30 - 12:30,
                     온라인 수업은  2023년 9월 8일~ 12월 15일 (금요일) 오후 6:40 - 8:30 입니다.

8월 15일 등록 마감 후, 학급 편성하여 이메일로 수업료 납부 (Venmo, checks, cash) 안내 메일을 보내드리겠습니다.
(한 학기 수업료는 1인당 $240, 조기등록 5/31까지 $10 할인, 둘째자녀부터 10%할인, 안디옥교인이 아닌 새친구소개 등록은 양쪽 10% 할인 )

등록하실 자녀가 여러 명일 경우, 각각 작성해 주시기 바랍니다.
등록 인원에 따라 폐지되는 학급이 있을 수도 있음을 알려드립니다.

Registration Due date is August. 15
Tuition is $240 per student (Early registration by 5/31 $10 off, Second child 10% off, Referring Friends both10% off )
You will receive an email for the tuition payments and class placements information on August. 2023.
Faça login no Google para salvar o que você já preencheu. Saiba mais
학생의 한글 이름 (Student's Name in Korean) *
학생의 영문 이름 (Student's Full Name in English) *
학생의 학년(Grade) *
보호자 성함 (Name of Guardian in Korean or English ) *
보호자 전화번호 (Phone Number of Guardian) *
보호자의 이메일 주소 (Email Address) *
우편물 수령 주소 (Mailing Address) *
수업 시간 선택(Class Options) *
안디옥 한국학교에 처음 등록하시는 경우만 답해주세요.  안디옥 한국학교에 대해 어떻게 알고 등록하시게 되셨나요? (지인소개의 경우 누구신지 말씀해 주세요.) How do you know about Antioch Korean School?
정기적으로 출석하고 있는 교회가 있으신가요? (Attending church service regularly?)
학교에서 조심해야할 자녀의 알러지가 있다면 알려주세요. (Any Allergies?)
Acknowledgement *
[Terms and Conditions of Enrollment] 대면 수업을 실시하지만 예측 불가능한 자연재해나 위험한 상황으로 전면 온라인 수업으로 전환할 수 있으며 그에 따른 환불이나 크레딧은 지불하지 않음을 양지해주시기 바랍니다. No refunds or credits will be given for class cancellations and switching to online class due to the severe situation of any unpredictable natural crisis or dangerous situation. No refund will be granted if the student leaves school on his/her own account or is removed from school due to an inability to adjust or is unable to function adequately or to comply with the school rules. There is no reduction or refund based on missed days due to absence, illness or to early withdrawal.• I am aware that my child must follow the rules and regulations of the Antioch Korean School program and may be terminated from Antioch Korean School  if he or she does not comply.• I hereby consent to the taking of photographs, movies, Internet use, and videotapes, of my child by Antioch Korean School or its designated representatives. I also grant the right to edit, use, and re-use said products for any all educational, public service, or not for profit purposes selected by Antioch Korean School  and release any and all rights, titles, and interest we or the child may have in said products. Photocopies and facsimiles of the Release and consent shall have the same legal effect as the original.• Antioch Korean School  is not responsible for any personal items that are lost stolen or damaged while attending school.• I consent that, in an emergency, Antioch Korean School  may obtain medical treatment if necessary.  I understand that if medical treatment is deemed necessary I will be informed as soon as possible.• I and/or my child (children) will be participating in the school.  I hereby waive my right to take any legal action against Antioch Korean School and/or any every individual/organization related to the school.• I reviewed the application and all the information provided inaccurate and true. I agree to the terms and conditions. Rules & Regulations• I will be responsible to others at all times. I will not use profanity. I understand that no horseplay is allowed.• I will stay with my assigned team & team leader. I understand that my parent/guardian may be called to pick me up for continuous disruptive behavior.• No Kicking, Hitting, Spitting, Fighting, or Shoving. No Food is allowed except during snack and meal time.본인은 본인 및 본인의 자녀가 안디옥 한국학교 수업과 활동에  참여함에 있어서 초래되는 모든 책임에 대해 안디옥 한국학교 및 기타 관계된 모든 개인과 단체를 상대로 어떠한 법적 조치도 취하지 않겠습니다.I and/or my child (children) will be participating in Antioch Korean School. I hereby waive my right to take any legal action against Antioch Korean School and/or any every individual/organization related to the school.
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