格拉斯哥小朋友戲劇班🎭(蘇格蘭) Drama Class for Kids (Scotland)

格拉斯哥小朋友戲劇班 Glasgow Drama Class for Kids🎭


After kids move to the UK, parents often worry that they might one day forget the memories connected to their homeland. This Cantonese drama class will focus on exploring kids' memories of Hong Kong, delving into their identity as Hongkongers who have relocated to the UK. This activity is not just a drama session but a time-travelling exploration, seeking the emotional threads that connect back to their roots, allowing kids to act on their own stories.

活動詳情/ Details : 

▹日期 / Date:3月17日 (星期日)

▹時間 / Time:15:00 - 17:00 (英國時間 / UK Time) 

▹地點 / Venue:Garnethill Multicultural Centre Lounge, 21 Rose Street, Glasgow, G3 6RE

▹語言 / Languages :廣東話 / Cantonese 

▹對象 / Target:9-12歲隨BNO Visa移英小童/ 9-12 years old BNO independents

▹名額 / Capacity : 12 (先到先得,滿額即止 / First come, first served)

▹費用 / Fee:每堂 £3,課前收款 / £3 per session, will be collected in cash or card on the day of the event.

▹報名方法 / Registration :請填妥此報名表格 (https://forms.gle/mD6CpoZCcJksZgFD9)。

完成Google Form報名後,會有專人以電郵聯絡確認報名及提供上課詳情。

Please complete the registration form. A confirmation email will be sent after the form submission.

請注意,每份報名表只供一人報名用!Please note that each form is for one registration only!

備注 / Remark:
1. 當閣下報名參與本工作坊時,請先確保閣下能夠出席參加課堂。如果在上課堂前,閣下因任何事故未能出席,請務必於活動前48小時以電郵通知本會負責職員,以便我們安排候補人士補上,謝謝。Before registering, kindly ensure your availability to participate in the session and commit to attending on time (Please arrive at the venue 10 minutes before the event starts). If you anticipate any absences before the first session, please notify our colleagues via email promptly (48 hrs in advance) to allow the release of the quota.

查詢 / Enquiries:Cleona 地區外展主任(蘇格蘭) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (Scotland)/ gnce.national.scotland@gmail.com/ +44 7438 975426 (Whatsapp)

活動贊助 / Supported by:Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
主辦 / Organised by:英倫好鄰舍教會 Good Neighbour Church England(慈善註冊號碼 Registered Charity Number:1195452)
Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only.

我們期待您的參與!We look forward to seeing you!

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請問小朋友叫甚麼名字? (暱稱亦可)
What is your child's name? (Nickname is fine)
Please leave your email address to receive a confirmation notification.
為方便聯絡,請留下你的聯絡電話 / Telegram用戶名稱:
Please leave your contact method, phone number/ Telegram Username would be the best.
What is the contact method of the above number?
Are you and your children settling in the UK through the BNO Visa route?
If no, how did you settle in the UK?
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What is your child's age range? 
你從何處收到此活動信息?  How did you know about this event?
你是否同意接收本會的推廣資訊?Do you agree to receive promotional information from our church?

Before registering, kindly ensure your availability to participate in the session and commit to attending on time (Please arrive at the venue 10 minutes before the event starts). If you anticipate any absences before the first session, please notify our colleagues via email promptly (48 hrs in advance) to allow the release of the quota.
有沒有其他意見/問題? (如沒有,可直接跳過。)
Any other comments or questions? (If no, please skip this question.)
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