Window Wanderland Enquiry Form
You're thinking of creating a Window Wanderland! Great to see you here.

We're a tiny social enterprise with a small team and need to use our time wisely. Our website answers most of the questions we are frequently asked and we'd love to use the time we do have to develop working in partnership with different organisations and supporting those that require specific help. By answering these questions you will help us to steer you in the right direction of the support that you need.

Creating a Window Wanderland is a community affair and we see its legacy as our priority. As a low cost event, run by local organisers we see many events repeat each year. We want to ensure that your first Window Wanderland is run in the most sustainable way which will give this legacy a chance.

Read on for everything you need to know about organising your own Window Wanderland festival and to chat to us. 

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