CaC Survey
Help us improve the CaC by answering this survey! :D

All responses after the first are optional, so answer as much or as little as you like. Aggregate data may be published to PokéBeach, but it will not be connected to your username, and free-response answers will not be published.
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What is your PokéBeach username? *
Do you generally consider yourself a text-based or image-based faker?
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Theme notwithstanding, how likely are you to enter a CaC competition in any given month?
I am extremely unlikely to ever enter a CaC competition.
I'm all but certain to enter.
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How much does the theme play into whether or not you enter CaC in a given month?
Not at all
A great deal
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Any favorite themes? Can be recent, old, or even something we haven't done yet that you'd like to see us do!
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