RQRM Symposium - Evaluation
We thank you for your participation in the Joint Symposium: "Dissipate the Smoke: Cannabis and Health". We thank you for your participation to this Symposium organized by the RQRM, RSR, and RQRD. We would very much like you to complete the evaluation form to help us plan our future events. Your answers will remain confidential.
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How did you learn about the RQRM Symposium?
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If you've answered "Reference" to the previous question, please specify the type:
Please indicate the main reason for your participation in the RQRM Symposium.
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Did the Symposium meet your expectations?
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If you answered "Yes - but not completely" to the previous question, please tell us why.
What was, for you, the most beneficial aspect of the Symposium?
Would you recommend this Symposium to your colleagues?
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What other topics or themes would interest you for a future Symposium?
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