Aubergine/Eggplant/Brinjal Quiz
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Aubergine is from the same family as tomato.
1 point
What do I give as the most important factor to consider when growing aubergines?
1 point
Why is it worth sowing aubergines early (late winter – early spring)?
1 point
Can aubergine plants be potted on?
1 point
Which vegetables can you interplant with aubergines?
1 point
Can aubergines be grown as a cordon?
1 point
I suggest you water aubergine plants…?
1 point
In a warm climate is it worth using an undecomposed mulch to retain moisture?
1 point
What should you do if you see small fruit decaying and falling off?
1 point
Just like tomatoes, cordon aubergine plants need to have their side shoots removed regularly.
1 point
An aubergine fruit is ready to pick when…?(Choose two answers.)
1 point
How do you deal with red spider mite?
1 point
Aubergines suffer from late blight like tomatoes.
1 point
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