Exit Ticket Quiz
Complete this form at the end of your lesson.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
What is your name? *
Which school do you attend? *
1. Choose the correct translation for: In my school, there is a pretty swimming pool *
1 Punkt
2. Choose the correct translation for: In my school, there are lots of ugly classrooms *
1 Punkt
3. Choose the correct translation for: In my school, there is a great playground *
1 Punkt
4. Translate: Dans mon collège, il y a une salle de profs démodée *
1 Punkt
5. Translate: Dans mon collège, il y a un salon de coiffure joli *
1 Punkt
6. Translate: Dans mon collège, il y a un couloir nul *
1 Punkt
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Holmleigh Park High School erstellt. Missbrauch melden