BANDing Together for Solutions
Webinar with Lesley Moffat | Saturday, March 14 | 9:00 am PDT
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What grade level(s) do you teach?
What subject(s) do you teach?
Do you have a spring festival or trip planned?
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Do you anticipate your district or school cancelling the trip?
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Approximately how much non-refundable money is at stake for your trip if it's cancelled?
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Do you have trip insurance to refund families?
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Have you had any major changes confirmed for your events?
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Do you anticipate the festival host or venue cancelling the event?
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Do you anticipate families requesting refunds if the trip is not cancelled but they don't feel comfortable sending their kids?
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Are there any restrictions on activities you can do for recruiting, such as combined concerts, field trips to feeder schools, or other events?
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Do you anticipate students' disappointment in anticipated cancellation of events or activities to impact your registration numbers for next year?
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Do you have a plan for reaching out to your feeder schools and doing placement auditions and registration for next year if you are not able to do it in your normal way?
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What is the ONE way the virus or the ensuing responses to the virus is impacting you the most?
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