Namibia photo workshop
In May 2023 Paolo Sartori will be guiding a photography tour in one of the wildest and most beautiful places he traveled to, the amazing Namibia.

This trip only has 6 spots available, based on a first-come first-reserved basis.
Please fill this form to be in the priority list, we will notify you when dates and price will be released!

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Email *
Great, can we get your full name? *
And what's your email address? *
What's a good phone number to reach you at?
Where are you from?
How old are you? *
Now a few questions about your photography
The workshop is open to photographers at any level of experience; the purpose of these information is just for us to better understand your level in order to offer you the best experience possible.
What is your level of experience with photography or filmmaking? *
We would love to see your work - if you have any online portfolio, can you share your instagram and/or website links?
What are you looking for on this trip? *
Thank you! We will get in touch soon.
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