112/06/14【教師活動】線上教學任我行 --增幅學生專注力,減壓調適不獨行 [Teacher Activity] Online teaching at your disposal (Chinese Speech)
而降低多元教學模式的焦慮,你需要的隱藏版的軟實力「減壓心法」~ 🤸‍♂️
日期:112/6/14(星期三) 12:10-16:50
地點:線上Google Meet
報名網址: https://forms.gle/m1ubESx2fe2EKjYp7

As the pandemic gradually eases, schools are returning to predominantly physical classroom settings. However, online teaching remains one of the hottest instructional methods. The blend of hybrid, online, and in-person teaching modes challenges teachers to have the flexibility to adapt their content and methods.🤔
Through the three-step process of utilizing voice, teaching methods, and assessing learning outcomes, we progressively enhance the soft power of online teaching, unleashing the unimaginable potential of digital transformation. This empowers teachers to choose their teaching modes more flexibly!💖
To alleviate the anxiety associated with diverse teaching methods, you need the hidden power of "stress relief techniques." 🤸‍♂️
Stress is not a stumbling block, but an opportunity to regain control of your emotions. Speak with precision and purpose, and no one will underestimate you. Your world is built on the power of speech.💪
--Event information--
Date:6/14 (Wed) 12:10-16:50
Venue:google meet
Registration URL: https://forms.gle/m1ubESx2fe2EKjYp7
200 college and university faculty and staff nationwide.

教學發展中心 X 衛生保健組  CTLD X Health Center
陳小姐 Ms. Chen  (03)5712121 #50105( may9077@nycu.edu.tw )
洪小姐 Ms. Hong  (03)5712121 #51109( r201909@nycu.edu.tw )
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