Private Practice Business Assessment
Welcome to the Assessment

Please take your time completing the assessment. The more detailed information you provide, the better quality of response I can give you!

Purpose of This Questionnaire:

The goal of this questionnaire is to gain a deeper understanding of your unique situation, challenges, and goals. Your responses will guide me in recommending the most recommendations that not only meet your immediate needs but also supports your long-term business success. By taking the time to fill out this questionnaire, you are taking a significant step towards optimising the growth and effectiveness of your practice.

How It Works: 

Please answer the questions as honestly and thoroughly as possible. It should only take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Once submitted, I will personally review your responses and provide you with a custom recommendation on which program will best support your professional development.

Thank you for taking the time to provide me with your insights. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and enhance your practice’s success!
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Email *
Your name please *
What is the name of your practice?
What's your profession? List as many as apply *
May I please have your website address? *
Please put your Facebook™ Page url below for me. If you don't use FB, just write NA. *
Please copy and paste your Instagram™ handle below for me. If you don't have one, just write NA *
Why did you start your private practice? (The REAL reasons! Don't hold back or be shy - it helps me help you if I have a deeper understanding) *
Thank you for that. Now, what's your goal for the business - beyond helping people?  *
What is your current role in the business? *
How many years have you been practising as a therapist? *
How many employees or contractors work with you in your practice? *
Have you previously taken any business course specific that was specific to private practice? If so, which course was it and how did it help? *
When it comes to running the business / private practice, what's your self-talk currently? What does that little voice inside say on repeat? *
Imagine we fast forward 12 months from now and your practice is successful, in the way that you define success. What's the self-talk then? *
Do you have a current business plan that I can see? *
How often do you review your current business strategy? *
When it comes to marketing, what's your current self-talk? What's that little voice inside saying to you? *
Imagine it's 12 months from now and the marketing is taken of. You have a diary that's booked with the right amount of clients, you have clients ready to replace the ones that are finishing, and you're attracting new opportunities for the practice. From that perspective, what's your self-talk? What's the little voice inside saying *
Have your previously taken any marketing course specific to private practice? If so, which course was it and how did it help *
Do you have a current marketing plan that I can see? How are you marketing the business? *
What specific marketing strategies have you tried in the six months? *
Rate your satisfaction with your current marketing results: *
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
How do you feel about the business now? *
How would you rather feel about the business? *
How do YOU define success? What does it look like to you?  *
How would you rate the current financial health of your practice? *
Very Unhealthy
Very Healthy
When it comes to the money side of the business, what's your self-talk? For example, if I suggested (hypothetically) that you raised your fees by 10%, what's the first thing that you say to yourself? What else do you tell yourself about money in the practice / money and clients etc? *
And fast forward 12 months and the money is taken care of. You're paying yourself a regular wage, you are seeing the bank account building, you're good with your fees etc. What's your self-talk from that space? *
What were your practice's total earnings last financial year? If it's you first year in practice, what are they so far? *
What are your expected earnings for the practice this financial year? *
Please list your fees below ie Individual Sessions / Consultations, Couples Sessions, Group Sessions etc *
How did you set your fees? What did you base your fee on? *
Please tell me about your cancellation policy *
How many standard sessions do you have capacity to deliver each week? *
Of those sessions, how many are after 4pm and how many are on weekends? *
On average, how many bookings did you have per week over the last month? *
Please tell me about your booking process. How does a new client book a session with you?
Please tell me about your booking policy *
Select the top three challenges you face in your private practice *
What are your private practice goals for the next 12 months? *
How important is learning about marketing and or establishing the important foundations of an allied health business / private practice to you? *
Not important
Very important
Which of these areas would you like more training and skill development in? *
Do you prefer a DIY approach to learning or something with more support around implementation so you know you're on the right track? *
How many hours per week you dedicate to learning? *
What stops you or gets in the way of enrolling in a private practice business course or a private practice marketing course? *
What motivates you to have this business assessment now? *
How do you like to acquire new information and or skills? Tick all that apply. *
Does the idea of being part of a supportive community of like-minded health professionals appeal to you when it comes to acquiring knowledge and or skills? *
Rate your confidence in using technology (websites, social media, email and so forth) for marketing purposes *
Not confident at all
Very confident
How do you handle current bookings? *
What factors will influence your decision to close a knowledge or skill gap for your business? *
If I'm able to recommend something to you, when are you looking to commence something like a program that will close a knowledge or skills gap? *
What budget have you and your bookkeeper / accountant set for your professional development this year? *
Understanding finding money to pay for training and CPD upfront can be challenging, what monthly payment options do fit within your current budget? *
Have you visited my website? *
Would you like to add any additional comments? *
Thank you for your responses. I'll be in touch within 24hrs during working days with recommendations for your next steps!
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