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2025-26 Open Enrollment Interest Card for all Grade Levels / Formulario de interés
Please complete this form for each applicant (Preschool-Eighth Grade) | Por favor complete este formulario para cada solicitante (Preescolar-Octavo Grado)
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Child's First Name / Primer nombre del estudiante
Your answer
Child's Last Name/ Apellido de estudiante
Your answer
Child's Date of Birth / fecha de nacimiento
What grade are you applying for?/ ¿Qué grado académico estás solicitando?
Transitional Kinder (If birthday is between September 2nd, 2020 to August 30th, 2021
Kinder (If birthday is between Sep. 2nd, 2019 to September 1st 2020
First Grade / Primer Grado
Second Grade | Segundo Grado
Third Grade | Tercer Grado
Fourth Grade | Cuarto Grado
Fifth Grade | Quinto Grado
Sixth Grade | Sexto Grado
Seventh Grade | Séptimo Grado
Eighth Grade | Octavo Grado
Name of School Currently Attending / Nombre de la escuela que asiste actualmente
Your answer
What is the primary language spoken by your child at home? / ¿Cuál es el idioma principal que habla su hijo/a en casa?
English | Inglés
Spanish | Español
Parent's Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX) / Número de teléfono del Padre o tutor (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Your answer
Street Address / Domicilio
Your answer
City, State, Zip Code / Ciudad, Estado, Código Postal
Your answer
Email Address / Dirección de correo electrónico
Your answer
Do you have a child at El Sol Science and Arts Academy? / ¿Tienes un hijo/a en El Sol Science and Arts Academy?
Yes (Please Answer the last question) | Si (Por favor conteste la última pregunta)
No (Do not Answer the last question) | NO (Por favor de NO contestar la última pregunta)
Names of Students Currently Attending El Sol Science and Arts Academy (Last Name, First Name) / Nombres de los estudiantes que asisten actualmente a El Sol Science and Arts Academy (Apellido, Nombre)
Your answer
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