Horticulture Club Membership Form
Welcome to the Hort Club! You are a member of one of the most exciting campus clubs at the University of Saskatchewan. We are a student run club that gives members the chance to develop practical skills in planting, growing, harvesting, and processing local produce. We maintain greenhouse space throughout the winter where we grow houseplants and vegetables, and run a large collective garden all summer. We have workshops and seminars throughout the year on various horticulture-related topics such as exotic fruits, orchids, houseplant propagation, pickling, and more.

Most of all, we are not afraid to get our hands dirty, we rise to the challenge, and we welcome new opportunities to excel. If you have any more fantastic ideas or projects for us to undertake, contact any of the executive – we’d love to hear from you! We look forward to participating with you in our many events and activities!

Many of the workshops we participate in are put on by Hort Club members who have amateur or professional knowledge/skills pertaining to horticulture. Do you have any horticulture-related interests or skills that you would be willing to share with other Hort Club members? Contact the Hort Club with your idea.

Email: uofshortclub@gmail.com 

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Are you a current U of S student? *
What year did you first join the club? *
What are your areas of interest?
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