What service are you interested in?
Fill out the questions below.  

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First & Last Name *
Email Address *
What service are you interested in? *

Book your connection call.  I would love to get to know you and discuss what coaching is and make sure it is a good fit for you.

Receive a personalized intuitive reading + 2 card pull from one of my favourite oracle decks BY EMAIL.

Start thinking of your intention: What question do you have for your higher self?  What guidance are you looking for? Once your session is confirm: I will connect to your energy and do an intuitive reading for you.

All you need is to keep the question that you asked or the guidance you require in your heart and I will send you an email with the details of your message. The Oracle Cards are used as a gateway to help you connect to your soul and receive guidance on your aligned action.


Let's dive into the energy world together and start clearing your energy system, releasing and rewriting fears and beliefs that you took on in this lifetime, the ones handed down to you, the ones from past lives, the ones stuck in your soul. And integrate the healing that is needed to overcome these blocks.

A session will be a combination of intuitive insights, energy clearing & healing, intuitive coaching and sound healing. This modality touches the whole self. Healing on the body, mind, heart and spirit level. You will leave the session feeling lighter, more relaxed, empowered with insights on your life today and how to move forward.

Briefly describe why you are interested in this service. *
What goals would you like to achieve? *
Thank you!  I will reach out shortly to schedule your session.
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