Urban Movement Kids Camp - Summer 2024
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Email *
Full Name of Child(ren) (If more than one child, please add their name below as well) *
Age of child(ren) at start of camp *
Full Name of Parent / Carer *
Whats App Contact Number *
Please add one more contact in case of emergency (Name & Number) *
Can we add you into the Whatsapp Group for ease of communication, including options for ride sharing to/from the camp? *
Please select the options that your child will attend of the dates 24 - 28 June 2024, 9:30am - 1:00pm *
Please select the dates you would like your child to attend: *
Are you interested in the Late Pickup Option (2pm)? If so, please write the dates you are considering. If we have at least 3 children staying for late pick up, we can offer this service. Cost is 10€ additional, per day.
Please share something individual about your child. In terms of these movement sessions, what would you like your child to learn? (In a group setting, it may not always be possible to cater to specific needs, but Coach Daniel will do his best to incorporate what he can for each child!) *
Does your child suffer from any allergies, illnesses, injuries or have any special requirements that we need to be aware of? *
This Urban Movement Camp will include physical activity that involves climbing, jumping, balancing, coordination, running and more. Coach Daniel will take every precaution and care with your child to develop the skills to participate in a safe manner. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious, fatal or disabling, is always present and cannot be eliminated. I herby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or may have against Daniel David Rojas Gomez. *
As parkour is considered a "high-risk" sport, we are unable to insure this camp with typical public liability or professional indemnity insurance. We recommend that you have your own private or public insurance to cover any potential injury for your child while attending the camp.  *
For these sessions, it is non-accompanied (drop-off only), and your child needs to wear comfortable clothing that is safe for movement, running shoes, and bring a full water bottle and a healthy snack. All items need to be in a self-carrying backpack. If your child is staying for the picnic lunch (12:30pm - 1:00pm), they need to bring a packed lunch. We recommend the running shoes have a black sole (instead of white) as these are typically better gripping. *
Spaces for this camp are limited to 12 pax. Any less than 7 days prior to the camp, and the fees are non-refundable; however you are welcome to transfer your space to a friend. Payment info will follow the submission of this form and can include bank transfer or cash. *
Please write your full name once more as an indication of your digital signature for this form, agreeing that all information submitted is accurate. Thank you! *
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