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Business Coaching with Gemma Bonham-Carter
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Business Website
Your answer
Social Media Handle (the main platform you use)
Your answer
Please tell us a bit about your business (what you do + who you serve).
Your answer
What are your biggest struggles right now in your business?
Your answer
What are your existing products (include sales page URL if possible)
Your answer
Please select the range of your business income last year (this will be kept entirely confidential - it is simply to assess what phase of business growth you are in)
$0-$50,000 per year
$50,000 - $100,000 per year
$100,000 - $250,000 per year
$250,000 - $500,000 per year
$500,000 +
What are you hoping to gain from working with Gemma?
Your answer
We offer 3 and 6 month coaching packages, as well as the occasional one-time strategy session. What are you ideally looking for?
3 month coaching package
6 month coaching package
One-time Strategy Session (90 minutes)
What is your budget for 1:1 coaching and mentorship?
Less than $1000
Is there anything else you'd like to add to your application?
Your answer
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