Paint the Beach! 2024
Registration Period: May 1 - July 4, 2024
Event Day: Saturday July 6 @11am - 3pm
Location: White Rock Promenade
Home Base: Memorial Park Plaza
Canvas Size: 16" x 20"

Canvases will be handed out earliest 15 mins prior to 11am at home base and artwork must be returned latest 15 minutes after the event ends.

Our annual Plein Air event is back again this year! On July 6th, between 11AM to 3PM, artists are invited to paint any location along the beach!

Semiahmoo Arts Society's home base will be at Memorial Park Plaza (near the Museum of Archives).

Artists are limited to only one location, so choose wisely! Bring your paint supplies and easels then look for a tent and SAS staff to sign in and join! You only have 4 hours to work on your piece and work will not be accepted if it is worked on prior or after the event. Semiahmoo Arts Society will only be supplying 1 canvas
(16" x 20") to each participant. After you are done with your painting, drop off your painting at our homebase. All finished works will be brought and hung in the Turnbull Gallery for a month long exhibition dedicated to this event!

All mediums are acceptable, provided they are done exclusively on location and are in keeping with the spirit and intent of the event. Due to drying time, oils are not recommended but are welcomed. Other material may be incorporated into the work.

The exhibition will be from July 8 - August 9, 2024, with a closing reception on August 2nd from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. 

All entries to this competition will be entered to win a prize! There are 3 prizes to be won! 2 winners will be chosen by our jury, while one will be selected through the public's vote. All winners will be announced during the closing reception, so make sure you come!

1st Place: $200
2nd Place: $100
Public Vote Winner: $50

Closing Reception: Friday, August 9 @ 4:30pm - 6pm

For any questions or inquiries, please email: or call 604.536.8333.
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