The next edition of the PC(USA) planning calendar -- with worship planning aids, lectionary references, liturgical days and colors, and programmatic emphases for September 2022 through December 2023 -- is now available. This calendar is again printed on NON-GLOSSY paper.
This year, the list price for a single copy ordered from the PC(USA) Store is $16.95 plus shipping. (They charge $9.85 to ship a single copy and increase the charge for each additional copy.)
The presbytery reduced the cost to $12 per copy by asking congregations and individuals to reserve copies by Thursday, July 28, 2022, in a bulk order that the presbytery placed. The cost includes having the calendars shipped to the presbytery and then delivered to you in person or via a postal shipment. The advance ordered calendars were shipped in mid-August but a few extra copies are available.
Questions about the bulk order may be directed to