Healing and Reconciliation Community Learning Journey Registration, Autumn 2024 Cohort (via Zoom)
Welcome, and thank you for registering for our upcoming 2024 Healing and Reconciliation virtual Community Learning Journey. We are so excited to offer these gatherings! 

This cohort will be taking place over four consecutive Wednesdays, starting October 30th and taking place from 1pm to 4pm PST.  All meetings will be held via Zoom.  You can learn more about this offering here.

All who are interested are encouraged to register.  We suggest that you invite a friend to join you as part of this special experience. Having a buddy to share it with can help the voyage be more meaningful, engaging, and fun!

 *Please note that there is a sliding scale fee (of $400 to $850) for this workshop/gathering.  A limited number of full tuition waivers and name-your-rate seats are available for folks experiencing strong financial need.

The registration process:
  1. Fill out this registration form (we estimate about 15 minutes to complete) to enroll in this four week Learning Journey (workshop).
  2. If you will be paying a rate between $400 and $850 (or above!) you may either 1) pay the amount in full using the provided link, or 2) indicate that you would like our administrator to set up a payment plan for you.  
  3. If you are requesting a full fee waiver or proposing a custom amount below $400 our administrator will contact you to confirm available full and/or partial fee waivers.
  4. Upon payment/confirmation of payment plan you will be added to a Google Calendar save-the-date and Google Space for this cohort.  Then the journey begins!
We hope you will join us, and look forward to being in community with you.


Stacey Villalobos (Lead Facilitator) and the HRI Facilitation Team
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