Playtest a Minigame
We are a team of 5 people making a videogame for the Minigame a Month jam, and we want to test our early prototypes. We need to watch some people play it so we can understand your struggles and your favorite parts!

If you have any questions with any part of the process, take a look at the FAQ below and feel free to contact us.
You can join the discord if you want to reach out:
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Quick FAQ:
Is there any compensation to this test?
No, sorry. Since this is just a hobbie and the game will be free, we can't provide a compensation. 

How long will the playtest take?
Earlier prototypes may take up to 15 minutes.
Full game tests may take up to 20-25 minutes.

How will it proceed?
We will meet over zoom.
1-2 persons from our team will watch you play our game prototype. 
You should be sharing your screen when you play the game and preferably this will be recorded. You don't need to share your camera, although we do appreciate it if you can. 

What about my privacy?
Your test will not be shared with any third parties, ever
The playtest moderator will only use the recording to review it and take notes or screenshots of the gameplay, for a report.
Would you like to playtest a minigame prototype, and consent to share your screen and have it recorded, while one or two members of the team observe and moderate the playtest? *
Thanks! Now we have some questions about the games you like to play. You can be as brief or as detailed as you want filling it.
Have you ever played a First Person Perspective game, like Minecraft or Doom? (playing includes trying it out for 5 minutes) *
Do you enjoy games like these? Do you like some of them but not others? Why? *
Thank you! Just one more step: we want to know if you usually experience any struggles when playing games.
Do you experience any difficulties when playing videogames, in general? Of what kind?
If you do experience difficulties, to what extent do they affect you?
Opphev valget
Please explain briefly how you experience these difficulties, and your needs and struggles when playing videogames.
Please specify in you have any special needs that we need to provide when doing the playtesting session. We'll try our best to provide it.
Please provide your contact so we can reach out to you (email or discord handle):
And your name (optional)
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