Pyra's YCH Order Form
Greetings!  Thank you for your consideration in ordering a your-character-here commission from me.  This form is intended as a simplified way of collecting reference and payment details for the YCH you want.  Just fill it out with the information I need to both fulfill your commission and contact you for it.  Please understand that I do not work on a set schedule, but general turnover time is usually a couple weeks.

  1. Payment required via Paypal invoice before work begins on any YCH.  This is to ensure I don't get scammed as I've been ripped off before starting work without taking payment first.
  2. Any species or gender of characters are allowed on all YCHs (including humans, though they are not my forte).
  3. If I feel like I cannot complete the YCH within a reasonable time-frame, I will offer a refund.  Please do not just message me demanding one!  This is very disruptive to my workflow and causes me to get stressed out.  I will refund you if necessary, but you will also be blacklisted from any future commissions.
  4. For all intents and purposes, my artwork is NOT allowed to be used in commercial designs or for training AI models.  Private use constitutes you are only going to use it for personal things, and you are not allowed to redistribute it to any websites that openly use media for AI training (Twitter/X, Instagram, Facebook, or DeviantArt).
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Which YCH would you like to order? *
Links to character references? *
Any extra details before I start work?
Paypal email for invoicing purposes? *
Website with username where you can be contacted or email if preferred? *
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