Cambridge Swing Dance Christmas special outdoor class sign up - Saturday 19th December 2020, 12:00-13:00
Fill in your details if you wish to attend this solo dance class, held on Parker's Piece.

One form to be completed per attendee. Limited places available.

FREE class. Please only sign up if you know you can attend.

The details you provide will be used as a register of attendees and to comply with contact tracing requirements. Contact tracing data will be deleted at the earliest opportunity after the recommended storage period according to UK government guidelines.

After you've booked if you need to cancel please let us know by emailing ​ so that we can free up your space for someone else.
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Do you want to get a weekly update (monthly in normal times) about class bookings opening so you're first to know? If you're not already on our mailing list we can add you.
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