Fresh Local Eats Customer Experience Survey
We are highly committed to providing our valued customers with the highest quality food and service. Please help us continue to improve your experience by answering this very brief survey. 
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Email *
Approximate date of purchase *
What did you purchase? *
Overall, how satisfied were you with your purchase? *
Extremely dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
Relative to cost and quality, how would you rate the value of your purchase? *
Terrible value
Exceptional value
For catered events, how would you rate your customer service experience?
Terrible service
Exceptional service
Clear selection
Please add any additional comments here. Feel free to include any menu suggestions.
How did you first hear about Fresh Local Eats? *
How likely are you to recommend Fresh Local Eats? *
Not likely at all
Extremely likely
The following is demographic information used solely for purposes of our own confidential internal customer analysis. It is anonymous and neither sold nor shared with other entities.
Age *
Gender *
Zip code *
Please provide any additional feedback you wish particularly how we can continue to improve your customer experience.
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