Pre Interview Form - Jungle School 2024

Fresh air, sunlight, and a group of students who will welcome you like family is a healthy change from the pressures of formal school teaching. 

Or maybe you became an educator to change the world, only to discover that the educational system doesn't offer you the freedom you thought it would. Come. Come teach in the Jungle. We will give you room to spread your wings, room to experiment, room to be the teacher you always wanted to be. 

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Email *
Active WhatsApp Number *
Name *
What position are you applying for? *
When are you available to start teaching at Jungle School? (date) *
Describe your most recent teaching experience for us. What is your main take-away from the experience? *
Why do you want to work at Jungle School? What have you been looking for that you think we can offer? *
Tell us why we should hire you. If you work at Jungle School, what will you contribute to the team? What makes you special?
Have you taught in any other schools in Salatiga? If yes, please list which ones below. 
Thank you for filling out this Pre-Interview Form. The next step is to send your CV to WA: 081 329 030 190
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