PTA Volunteer Interest Form - Campus Specific
Sunnyvale PTA is now accepting applications for Campus Chairs and other chairpersons for next year.  Our goal is to see that every parent has a voice on Sunnyvale PTA and is provided the opportunity to be actively involved in enriching the educational opportunities for all Raiders in SISD.

No previous PTA experience is required.  The only requirement is to be a team player and have a passion for Sunnyvale students, teachers, administration and parents.

All positions are vacant and open for 2022-2023 school year.   If you have additional questions regarding the open positions, please reach out to  

The option to co-lead, assist, or shadow a position is also available at the bottom of the form.
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Campus you are interested in serving
Position you are interested in
What interests you about this position?  
Do you have any questions?
Please indicate if you would you like to co-lead, assist or shadow for a year.
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