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Reset Course Feedback
Thanks for taking part in the YouTube reset course. Please provide honest feedback about what worked well and what could be improved from your perspective - it will help with future content on the channel.
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* Indicates required question
From your perspective, what worked well about the reset course?
Your answer
From your perspective, what could have been better?
Your answer
What were your initial expectations of the reset course? Did it meet your expectations? If not, why not?
Your answer
Other than goal-setting, are there any other specific topics you'd be interested in exploring in this (or other) format(s)?
Your answer
How likely would you be to recommend the course to a friend?
Not Likely
Very Likely
Which of the worksheets did you find most useful and likely to use in the future?
Week 1 - Finding your pillars
Week 2 - Your compass point
Week 3 - Mindset
Week 4 - Mindful Action (Planning)
Week 5 - Mindful Action (Doing)
Week 6 - Mindful Action (Reviewing)
Bonus 1 - Prioritisation Matrix
Bonus 2 - Weekly Habit Tracker
Overview - Goal-Setting
None (please specify why)
Any other comments you'd like to make?
Your answer
If you would like to be kept up-to-date with any future courses/resources/offers, please enter your email below (Optional)
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Would you be happy for me to use any quotes from your feedback in a testimonial for future groups?
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