Reset Course Feedback
Thanks for taking part in the YouTube reset course. Please provide honest feedback about what worked well and what could be improved from your perspective - it will help with future content on the channel.
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From your perspective, what worked well about the reset course? *
From your perspective, what could have been better? *
What were your initial expectations of the reset course? Did it meet your expectations? If not, why not? *
Other than goal-setting, are there any other specific topics you'd be interested in exploring in this (or other) format(s)?
How likely would you be to recommend the course to a friend? *
Not Likely
Very Likely
Which of the worksheets did you find most useful and likely to use in the future? *
Any other comments you'd like to make? *
If you would like to be kept up-to-date with any future courses/resources/offers, please enter your email below (Optional)
Would you be happy for me to use any quotes from your feedback in a testimonial for future groups? *
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