Islam Awareness Questionnaire: Your exposure, knowledge and experiences.

How much do you know about Islam and Muslims?

It is said that Muslims are the second-largest religious group in the world, and that they have a growing presence in all countries in the West - also in South Africa. Why is it that most surveys indicate that relatively few people have much knowledge about Islam and especially how to share the Gospel with them.

Test your knowledge of Islam worldwide and share your personal experience with Muslims by taking this quiz. 

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Choose the Correct answers from the following questions...  

1) What percentage of the World population is Muslims.

1 point
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2) What percentage of the South African population is Muslim?
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3) Which of the following is NOT among the Five Pillars of Islam?
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4) Which sect of Islam do more Muslims around the world identify with? 
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5) Which of these countries is predominantly made up of Shiite Muslims?

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6) Which country has the world's largest Muslim population? 

1 point
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7) What does the term Islām mean?

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8) Which book records the traditions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad?

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9) Which one of the following facts are true about Islam's holy Quran?

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10) Which archangel was supposed to revealed the Qurʾān to Prophet Muhammad?

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